Las Vegas Car Accident Lawyers At Benson And Bingham

Understanding Your Recovery in a Medical Malpractice Case

Medical Malpractice (“Med-Mal”) cases present a wide range of issues that make them difficult to litigate. Perhaps one of the more difficult issues from a potential Plaintiff’s perspective is the fact that the Nevada legislature has set a cap on the recovery for “non-economic” damages.

Understanding Your Recovery in a Medical Malpractice Case

Nevada Revised Statute 41.A. 035 states:

In an action for injury or death against a provider of health care based upon professional negligence, the injured plaintiff may recover noneconomic damages, but the amount of noneconomic damages awarded in such an action must not exceed the following caps:

  • 2023: $350,000
  • 2024: $430,000
  • 2025: $510,000
  • 2026: $590,000
  • 2027: $670,000
  • 2028: $750,000
  • 2029-2044: Add 2.1% per year to the cap.

These new caps went into effect on October 1, 2023, and will be adjusted annually as specified.

Do Caps on Medical Malpractice Violate your Constitutional Rights?

Right to a Jury Trial: Simply put, no. The Nevada Supreme Court has said that although states have differing opinions on the issue, Nevada courts have clearly held that a “statutory limit on damages does not infringe upon a plaintiffs constitutional right.” [1] Nevada courts have determined that it is for the legislature, not the jury, to determine the “legal consequences of its factual findings.”

Equal Protection: Similarly, the Nevada Supreme Court has also determined that such caps do not violate equal protection because the purpose of the statute is rationally related to a legitimate government purpose of ensuring that adequate and affordable health care is available to Nevada’s citizens.

When the question was posed to Nevada votes in 2004, the argument in support of the caps was that its intended purpose was to “stabilize Nevada’s health care crisis and provide protection for both doctors and patients.” The ballot measure received wide spread support from Nevada residents and passed.

What are “Non-Economic Damages” and How Does This Effect My Case?

If you believe that you have suffered from medical malpractice [2], it is important for you to understand how a cap on non-economic damages can effect your case. As such, it is helpful to distinguish between “economic” and “noneconomic damages.”

  • “Economic Damages” are expenses from medical treatment, care or custody, loss of earnings and loss of earning capacity [3]. There is no cap on economic damages; thus, one who suffers from medical malpractice and has medical expenses (both past and future) will be able to collect those damages. Also, any wage loss incurred (both past and future) will also be able to be recovered.
  • “Non-economic damages” These constitute compensation for pain, suffering, inconvenience, physical impairment, disfigurement, and other non-pecuniary damages [4]. This is most commonly known as “pain and suffering” and represents the bulk of what a jury may award. Unfortunately, Nevada law bars any amounts over the capped limit, which will vary each year as mentioned above. Thus, you could lose a leg during a botched surgery, and the most the law allows a victim to recover is subject to the current cap.
    For example, if a physician’s professional negligence caused you to sustain medical expenses in the amount of $50,000.00, and a loss of earnings in the amount of $25,000.00, your total economic damages would be $75,000.00. If this same injury has now caused a permanent disfigurement and lifelong injuries, the most that you could receive in “non-economic” damages for your pain and suffering are subject to the current cap. As a result, the maximum on your total recovery would be determined by these caps.

Does It Matter if there are multiple Defendant Doctors, or Multiple Plaintiff’s?

No, the cap applies regardless of the number of plaintiffs, defendants or theories upon which liability may be based. In Tam v. Eighth Jud. Dist. Ct. the Nevada Supreme Court was asked to determine whether the term “action” in NRS 41A.035 refers to each separate claim, whereas it applies separately to each defendant, or if it refers to the case as a whole. In coming to its conclusion, the Supreme Court of Nevada looked to the legislative history of NRS 41A.035 and found that the “noneconomic damages cap in NRS 41A.035 applies per incident, regardless of how many plaintiffs, defendants, or claims are involved.” [5]

How Much Of Your Medical Malpractice Recovery Do You Get To Keep?

It depends. Your personal recovery is largely dependent on the existence of a health insurance lien. A lien is essentially the legal right of another to be paid or compensated from your personal injury settlement. The amount owed to your lienholders will be subtracted from your settlement first, as well as costs and fees associated with your attorney’s representation.

Attorney’s fees have changed. In Med-Mal cases, there is now a flat 35% fee on all recoveries, regardless of the amount. Under NRS 7.095 Limitations on contingent fees for representation of persons in certain actions against providers of health care, the fee structure is as follows:

A personal injury attorney shall not contract for or collect a fee contingent on the amount of recovery for representing a person seeking damages in connection with an action for injury or death against a provider of health care based upon professional negligence in excess of 35% of the total recovery.

The statute of limitations has also been updated. The time to file a medical malpractice claim is now 2 years, with a maximum tolling period of 4 years.

Economic Damages and Jury Consideration: Economic damages are unlimited, but there are nuances in the medical bills. Only amounts billed by health insurance (if used by the patient) are allowed to be considered by the jury, not the amount charged.

Not all cases are medical malpractice cases. Nevada specifically defines when these laws apply. Under NRS 7.095(4) (b), “Provider of healthcare” means a physician licensed under chapter 630 or 633 of NRS, dentist, registered nurse, dispensing optician, optometrist, registered physical therapist, podiatric physician, licensed psychologist, chiropractor, doctor of Oriental medicine, medical laboratory director or technician, licensed dietitian, or a licensed hospital and its employees. Thus, certain professions, such as a pharmacist, are not protected by the caps and other rules that govern malpractice actions.

 [1]   *Tam v. Eighth Jud. Dist. Ct.*, 358 P.3d 234., Nev. No.66346, 2015; see also 
*Armesano v. State, Dep’t of Tansp.*, 113 Nev. 815, 819, 942 P.2d 139, 142 (1997) 
 [2]   Medical Malpractice has the same definition ascribed to it as “Professional 
negligence,” which means “the failure of a provider of health care, in rendering services, 
to use the reasonable care, skill or knowledge ordinarily used under similar circumstances 
by similarly trained and experienced providers of health care.” NRS. 41A.015; see also 
Tam v. Eighth Jud. Dist. Ct., 358 P.3d 234., Nev. No.66346, 2015 (NRS 41A.035 applies 
to professional negligence claims, which by definition of NRS 41A.015 applies to 
"a provider of health care," and includes physicians licensed pursuant to NRS 
Chapters 630 and 633. NRS 41A.017.)
 [3]   NRS 41A.007
 [4]   NRS 41A.011
 [5]   *Tam v. Eighth Jud. Dist. Ct.*, 358 P.3d 234., Nev. No.66346, 2015

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