Before that the recall most remembered was the 1970’s Ford Pinto cases where the Pintos literally blew up if rear-ended due to the placement of the gas tank in the rear. Now the Brakes, the floor mat, the engine computers are all under scrutiny. Toyota vehicles have important technology installed in their cars: the ECU (Electronic Control Unit) that also stores vital information about crashes. It is vital that the information contained in these computers is maintained after a crash.
The computers can tell much about the accident including how fast the car was going, was the brake or gas pedal depressed at the time of the collision, what electronics including turn signals were on, etc. What is the alleged safety defect causing so many deaths? Bad design causing unnecessary friction. This friction roughs the smooth connection in the pedal assembly causing it to stick. Toyota figures a metal shim install will correct the fix. Many experts, however, are skeptical this is the correct fix. Hire an experience personal injury attorney to handle any major accident involving a Toyota or Lexus. Our team of products liability experts will bring you the justice you deserve. Need a Toyota Accident Lawyer? Contact Benson & Bingham Accident Injury Lawyers, LLC today.
“Sticking Pedal Accelerator Recall: In rare instances, over time, and under certain environmental conditions, there is a possibility that certain accelerator pedal mechanisms may mechanically stick in a partially depressed position or return slowly to idle position. “ What does this mean? The metal pedal, over time, deteriorates.
Potential Floor Mat Interference with Accelerator Pedal Recall: This condition is the potential for an unsecured or incompatible driver’s floor mat to interfere with or entrap the accelerator pedal and cause it to get stuck in the wide open position. Toyota has determined that this condition can occur in vehicles in which the driver’s side floor mat is not compatible with the vehicle and/or is not properly secured.
If you have any of the below models, they may be subject to recall. If you have suffered an accident with serious injury, or the death or injury of a loved one please call our offices immediately.
Lexus also has models affected by the recalls.