Las Vegas Car Accident Lawyers At Benson And Bingham

Reno Spinal Cord Injury Attorney

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Spinal cord injuries are life-changing injuries that hurt not just the direct victims but their entire families.

If you suffered a spinal cord injury in a preventable accident, you need help. You need an advocate on your side.

Call a Reno spinal cord injury lawyer at Benson & Bingham Accident Injury Lawyers, LLC immediately for a free consultation. We serve victims in Reno, Carson City, Spark, and other areas of Northern Nevada.

We Strive For Results for Our Clients

For nearly two decades, we have worked hard to serve as worthy advocates for our clients. This shows in the track record of Benson & Bingham Accident Injury Lawyers, LLC, where we have secured more than $500 million in settlements for victims suffering a broad range of injuries. We know there is no guarantee that our past successes mean we will be successful every time, but we also know having a proven record of securing settlements gives us some leverage we might not otherwise have.

Understanding Spinal Cord Injuries

Generally speaking, spinal cord injuries fall into two separate categories, complete and incomplete. To better understand the potential outcomes of these injuries, one must first understand how the medical field classifies these injuries and the potential outcomes for victims.

Incomplete Spinal Cord Injuries

The International Standards For The Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injuries (ISNCSCI) uses a scale that ranks impairment from Class A to Class E for spinal cord injuries.

Reno Personal Injury Attorney
Joseph L. Benson II, and Ben J. Bingham, Reno Spinal Cord Injury Attorneys

The classes are:

  • Class A: Loss of motor functions and sensation
  • Class B: Sensory Impairment
  • Class C: Some sensory and motor functions preserved
  • Class D: Useful motor function retained
  • Class E: Normal function

Within these classifications, there are specific syndromes that may affect victims:

  • Central cord syndrome – When the center of the spine is injured. Victims often lose sensation or control of the limb below the injury. There is potential with rigorous therapy or select surgeries that the victim may regain some function.
  • Anterior cord syndrome – While therapy may help with movement, this injury often results in sensory issues where a victim may face challenges with touch, pain, or temperature.
  • Posterior cord syndrome – These injuries impact the back of the spinal cord. These injuries nearly always diminish the victim’s coordination.
  • Cauda equina syndrome – Lesions in the nerve roots, which leave victims suffering a range of problems, including paralysis, if left untreated. Victims may not recover from these injuries.
  • Brown-Sequard syndrome – Victims usually lose the use of a limb on one side of their body and may lose the use of both limbs (arm and leg). Additionally, there may be cases where victims suffer an inability to sense changes in pain on the opposite side of the body.

Complete Spinal Cord Injuries

When these types of injuries occur, the results can devastate victims and their families. A victim who suffers a complete spinal cord injury in the neck area typically loses all function in both arms and legs and may require assistance breathing. The lower on the spinal cord the injury occurs, the less devastating the potential outcome—but the consequences are still severe.

Spinal Cord Injuries and Negligence

Before you can file a claim against any party for a spinal cord injury suffered in Reno, Carson City, Spark, and other areas of Northern Nevada, you must first prove the party was negligent. This can occur in various ways, depending on the circumstance of your injury.

Some of the types of accidents that result in spinal cord injuries include:

  • Roadway accidents – Nearly 40 percent of all spinal cord injuries occur in roadway accidents.
  • Injuries in the workplace – Accidents that result in a fall can cause serious spinal cord injuries.
  • Sports-related injuries – Should a sports player’s helmet fail to protect their upper spine, they could potentially suffer a spinal cord injury

These are just a few injuries that can—and do—result in spinal cord injuries across Nevada. Your spinal cord injury attorney would speak with you to determine how your injury occurred and who may have caused it, then do their best to hold those at fault liable for their actions. You might find out you can hold more than one party liable for your spinal cord injury—a manufacturer of a defective product or part, a driver, or a business.

Damages You May Claim Following a Spinal Cord Injury

When you suffer a spinal cord injury, you are looking at potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical costs depending on the severity. Victims could require surgery, special adaptive equipment to get around, modifications in their home, and may never work again.

You may include some of these financial claims in a lawsuit:

  • Medical costs – The cost of your medical bills beginning at the time of your injury as well as anticipated medical costs for the future. Victims of spinal cord injuries will require rehabilitation, may require vocational training, and will nearly always require specialized nursing care.
  • Lost wages and benefits – Initially your lost wages would be based on your actual losses beginning from the time of your accident. However, if you cannot return to work, you may be entitled to collect estimated future wages. The younger you are at the time of your spinal cord injury, the more substantial these damages are likely to be.
  • Home modifications – In many cases, a spinal cord injury will impact your ability to safely navigate through your home. Since safety is a primary concern, you may need to make some changes in your home to remain safe during and after recovery. Your family should not have to bear the financial burden associated with the costs of modifying your home, the responsible party should be held liable.
  • Household services – Many victims of spinal cord injuries not only hold down a job but also perform household chores. When they can’t do so because of their injury, it may be necessary to hire someone to handle these tasks. Should this be the case, you may include these expenses in a claim.

Nevada does not put a cap on non-economic losses when a victim files a claim. Some of these losses may include pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, and other similar claims. Your attorney can explain more about these types of losses and advise you which ones you should include in your claim.

Liability Established: Getting Down to Business

There are rules about an injury sustained on the job in Reno, Carson City, Spark, and other areas of Northern Nevada. Specifically, you have a limited amount of time to advise your employer of your injury. However, few people know they may not sue their employer for their injury—the only recourse available is worker’s compensation, with a few exceptions.

If another person or entity caused the injury—like vendors or manufacturers of failed equipment—you may file a third-party claim. If your spinal cord injury occurred at work, you would have to talk to your injury accident attorney further about how best to proceed.

Car accident victims who suffer a spinal cord injury often believe they will file their claim and the defendant will pay it in full. This seldom occurs.

One challenge you may face as a spinal cord injury victim is that you will probably exceed the maximum coverage required under Nevada laws—since 2018, drivers must carry a minimum of $25,000 in bodily injury per person and $50,000 in bodily injury per accident. Spinal cord injury costs will typically exceed these limits. This is why involving an attorney as soon after an accident as possible could help.

The ultra-fine print no one wants to take the time to read, and the pages of information you are flooded with when you file an insurance claim are deceptive. What looks like your insurer—or the responsible person’s insurance—getting down to business can merely be their way of obtaining information that can help them minimize the overall cost of paying a claim.

Some insurance companies are not above using some of these tactics:

  • Request for medical records – While an insurer will always ask for your medical records pertaining to your current injury, they will also ask for your prior medical records. This is specifically so they can point to potential issues that may have contributed to your injury. This is one way the insurer may attempt to minimize your claim.
  • Taking recorded statements – An insurance adjuster will often contact victims to take a statement from them pertaining to the accident that resulted in their injuries. They will use recorded statements to minimize your claim; adjusters will ask specific questions in the hopes of drawing out specific answers that sabotage your case.
  • Outright denial of claims – Unfortunately, insurance companies outright deny some claims or deny any responsibility for your injuries.

These are just a few ways those who are responsible for your injuries may attempt to avoid liability.

Hiring a Reno Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

As a victim of a spinal cord injury, you must take time to focus on your recovery and rehabilitation. The last thing you need to worry about is constant calls from insurance companies, negotiating with insurers, and fighting for the compensation you may be entitled to collect. You also may have questions about your rights. This is why you should hire a Reno spinal cord injury lawyer to advocate on your behalf.

There are other reasons to hire an attorney, including:

  • They represent your interests – Insurance companies will never advise you of your rights, nor will they try to protect you. A lawyer, however, will represent you and serve as your advocate.
  • They protect you – A lawyer should review every document an insurer sends you. This can help make sure the insurance company does not take advantage of you.
  • You remain in control – Even when you hire a lawyer, you still have the final say. We bring all settlement offers to you, and we will tell you the upside and downside of each offer before you decide whether to accept.

At Benson & Bingham Accident Injury Lawyers, LLC, we understand you are worried about the cost of hiring a lawyer.

Here is what you should know:

  • We offer a free, no-obligation consultation – You can call us, and we will listen to what you have to say about the accident that resulted in your injury. We will make sure you understand your rights.
  • We work on a contingency basis – Many victims of spinal cord injuries know they do not have the available resources to pay for a lawyer out of pocket. Contingency fees mean that when we take a case, you do not pay us unless we successfully obtain a settlement or jury verdict on your behalf.
  • Communication is open – We pride ourselves on service, we want client satisfaction, and our attorneys take our clients’ calls personally. We stand by our reputation, and we do everything possible to get a settlement on behalf of our clients.

Call Benson & Bingham Accident Injury Lawyers, LLC Today

If you are in Reno, Carson City, Spark, or other areas of Northern Nevada, and you suffered a spinal cord injury, call our personal injury attorneys to understand your rights and options to secure a settlement before you talk to any insurance company. Benson & Bingham Accident Injury Lawyers, LLC, is here to answer your questions during a free consultation. Contact us today at (775) 600-6000 and let us help you get the compensation you need to move forward as you face the challenges of a spinal cord injury.

Benson & Bingham (Reno Office) 1320 E Plumb Lane Ste A Reno, NV 89502 Phone:775-600-6000

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