Las Vegas Car Accident Lawyers At Benson And Bingham

Paralysis, Paraplegia, and Quadriplegia

Back or spine injury leading to paralysis, paraplegia, or quadriplegia The financial impact of paralysis can be devastating. A paralysis victim may require a lifetime of care, including physical therapy, assistive devices, and other medical treatments. Apart from the financial cost of an injury resulting in paralysis, victims must endure the emotional impact of becoming immobile. Our firm understands the harm that paralysis can bring and is sympathetic in our approach to helping accident victims. At Benson & Bingham Accident Injury Lawyers, LLC, our Las Vegas Paralysis, Paraplegia, & Quadriplegia Injury Lawyers will help you explore all your legal options for seeking the greatest compensation after your accident, including potential claims for Las Vegas workers’ compensation in cases where paralysis occurs due to work-related injuries.

Paralysis is a serious medical injury, and can cause short-term or long-term damage. Many times, paralysis occurs as a consequence of a spinal cord injury. Such an injury can cause damage to the nervous system, brain and spinal cord. Many types of accidents can cause paralysis; however, the most common are:

Due to the debilitating nature of paralysis, a victim may be entitled to compensation for hospital bills, loss of income, and loss of potential future earnings. Paralysis injuries can cause paraplegia (paralysis of the legs) or quadriplegia (paralysis of both arms and legs), as well as:

  • Localized paralysis: Paralysis in one particular part of the body.
  • Global paralysis: Paralysis causing weakness throughout the entire body.
  • Hemiplegia: Paralysis causing weakness on one side of the body. This commonly occurs after strokes.

Experience and dedication are important factors in getting the settlement you need and deserve. The personal injury law firm of Benson & Bingham Accident Injury Lawyers, LLC has the legal experience needed to help you win your paralysis Injury case. At Benson & Bingham Accident Injury Lawyers, LLC our attorneys and legal assistants pride themselves in client care and service. We understand the pain associated with these types of injuries, and want to help you through your recovery process. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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