Las Vegas Car Accident Lawyers At Benson And Bingham

Cell Phone or Texting While Driving

While technology has provided us with great conveniences, it has also created many hidden dangers. The use of cell phones while operating a motor vehicle had become widely accepted. However, many people rely upon the use of prosthetic limbs or place flowers where loved ones rest or on the side of the road in memory of…the cell phone. Running red lights, Failing to stop, and Failing to use Due Care are just a few of the deadly citations proffered by police and Highway Patrol in connection with the cell phone. If you or a loved one has been injured by a careless driver operating a cell phone contact our Las Vegas Distracted Driving Lawyers today. Often times the complete disregard for human life gives rise to punitive damages and criminal punishment.

In Las Vegas, Nevada, the issue of cell phone use while operating a motor vehicle was a hot topic. While some states such as California, New York, New Jersey and Connecticut took affirmative steps to save lives by passing such laws years ago, Nevada only recently in 2013 passed a law outlawing cell phone calls or text messaging while driving. According, Nevada joined this growing list of states that have passed bills that ban handheld cell phone use while driving.

Most people are guilty of looking down to dial or text message while driving, not realizing the eminent danger and lack of care posed for human life. The action of talking on a cell phone while driving obviously heightens the danger of causing an accident which sometimes results in death, vehicle ejections, broken necks, arms, legs and hips.

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Cell Phone or Texting While Driving

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