Last week, Hot August Nights returned to the Reno/Sparks area in northern Nevada. The event, originally founded more than 30 years ago in 1986, was intended to celebrate classic cars and mid-twentieth-century nostalgia. Conveniently, the festival also helped fill an August void in tourism in the Northern Nevada region. The weekend includes live concerts […]
While events on the international stage have ranged from uncertain to terrifying over the last several weeks, there is some sunny news out of Nevada. According to the Nevada Department of Public Safety, the state saw a nearly 50 percent decline in traffic deaths this June compared to June of 2018. There were 16 fatal […]
Good news travels fast, and bad news travels faster. Since Clint Ryan – the assistant police chief of the North Las Vegas Police Department – was arrested earlier this week on suspicion of driving under the influence (DUI), local media have been covering the story aggressively. [1] While it is fortunate that Ryan was detained […]
A 7.1-magnitude quake rocked the greater LA area on last week, though injuries and property damage were minimal. [1] The reason the impact in LA was not greater is that the epicenter of the quake was some 100 miles from the city, lying in the town of Ridgecrest, California. The Nevada town of Pahrump is […]
Running a successful business in Nevada means investing time, energy, and money. Any shrewd investor knows that it is important to protect the assets one has invested in. In a business context, this can include precautions such as hiring a security firm. But as a recent incident shows, these same precautions can involve a small […]
In past posts we have covered and discussed Nevada’s state legislature, the body that sets policy and establishes the budget for our state of just over 3 million people. [1] The 80th Nevada Legislature adjourned just after midnight on June 4, [2] and it did so after adopting a $29.4 billion biennial budget. [3] The budget took […]
Source: Work can be flat-out dangerous. Every 7 seconds, a worker is injured on the job in America, which equals out to about 4.6 million injuries per year. These numbers aren’t as high as they are because every job is just as dangerous as the next. The fact is, some jobs are more dangerous […]
This past Thursday, we celebrated Independence Day. On this date we remember a time when our forefathers declared independence from British rule and embarked on a grand new experiment in democracy. On Thursday, many Americans marked the occasion with family barbecues including hot dogs, watermelon, and corn on the cob. Others attended city-wide parades and […]
When electronic cigarettes (also known as “e-cigarettes” or simply “e-cigs”) first emerged in the mainstream tobacco market about a decade ago, tobacco users and even some health advocates found cause for optimism. But growing evidence – and a recent accident that points to negligent product design – is also pointing to cause for concern. E-Cigs, […]
The population of the United States is swiftly aging, and with an aging population come concerns about how older individuals will be cared for in their final years. Many older adults need assistance with day-to-day tasks or have specific medical needs that require daily attention. Others find themselves unable to remember who family members are […]