Benson & Bingham

Nevada Personal Injury Blog

Joseph Benson and Ben Bingham | December 11, 2019 |

After Thanksgiving comes Black Friday. Then Small Business Saturday. And then follows Cyber Monday. Long gone is the post-Thanksgiving tradition of snoozing on the couch while a football game slogs on. The modern after-turkey tradition is focused on consumerism, and it has set off a kind of arms race among retailers – both the traditional […]

BensonBingham | December 3, 2019 |

Any type of accident has the potential to kill or maim someone. When you combine 2,000-pound vehicles with high speeds, the results can be catastrophic. Thankfully, advances in automotive design and technology have helped reduce the number of fatalities on the road. However, there is one part of the vehicle that is still particularly vulnerable—the […]

BensonBingham | December 2, 2019 |

Far and away, rear-end collisions are the most common type of accident on the road, with injured parties calling car accident lawyers about them more than anything else. According to the National Transportation Safety Board, nearly 50 percent of all two-vehicle accidents between 2012 and 2014 were rear-end accidents. Obviously, there’s a problem. But day […]

Joseph Benson and Ben Bingham | November 28, 2019 |

With another Thanksgiving behind us, we can take a moment to reflect on the logistics of this annual gathering. Much ink has been spilled – or, in this digital age, keystrokes struck (or maybe bytes encoded?) – discussing the history and meaning of this event. Many Americans are increasingly self-reflective with respect to institutionalized race […]

Joseph Benson and Ben Bingham | November 20, 2019 | Tags: , ,

With November well under way, the holiday season is fast approaching. Stores are already stocking Christmas decorations, and church choirs are rehearsing the yearly carols. Some enterprising children have already sent off hopeful letters to the North Pole, asking Santa Claus for popular toys and treats. However, before the most anticipated holidays of the winter […]

BensonBingham | November 18, 2019 |

The years keep getting more deadly for Nevada drivers as time goes by. A recent report found that there were 331 traffic fatalities in 2018. That’s a 23 percent increase over the previous year. Zero Fatalities is a Nevada initiative aiming to reduce that number to zero. And while the state is not there yet, […]

BensonBingham | November 15, 2019 |

What happens if you are walking or jogging around Nevada and a car hits you? You will need to call a car accident lawyer. The possibility of being hit by a car in our state is all too real, especially in the cities. Just recently, Nevada reported the fifth-highest number of pedestrian deaths in the […]

Joseph Benson and Ben Bingham | November 14, 2019 | Tags: ,

The United States in 2019 is a country divided. Political polarization is at peak levels, and many are watching the House impeachment inquiry with the expectation that it will ultimately result in a partisan fight in the U.S. Senate to decide whether to remove Donald Trump from office. But even against this backdrop, Americans are […]

Joseph Benson and Ben Bingham | November 10, 2019 |

How Does Nevada Law Work for Different Types of Trucks & Road Safety? Large trucks have a lot of weight to move—and to stop. When they can’t, the consequences can be dire. Accidents involving trucks frequently cause catastrophic injuries or death, particularly when a heavy truck collides with a much smaller, lighter passenger vehicle. The […]

Joseph Benson and Ben Bingham | October 30, 2019 | Tags:

It is clear that one life was lost and that hundreds of people in the Nevada city of Fallon lost access to utilities yesterday, but the details of yesterday’s three-car crash are murky despite a day of reporting by various outlets. While the essential facts seem to be established clearly, the conflicting reports about the […]

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