When it comes to workers’ compensation claims, employees in Nevada are more likely to make a claim than employees in almost any other state. Only six states have a higher rate of claims than Nevada. In one recent year, more than 35,000 non-fatal workplace injuries took place in Nevada. Workplace injuries can mean time off […]
Love is in the air, and Nevadans are celebrating Valentine’s Day. This annual observance is named for St. Valentine, a Catholic priest who served in Rome during the third century A.D. Legend has it that around this time, the Roman Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better, more focused soldiers in his army. […]
Most people understand why it is important to determine who caused a car accident. Generally, the party at fault has legal liability to others for the damages the accident caused. Understanding the importance of “fault” and figuring out who hit you, however, are two separate things. How can you tell who hit you and, by […]
Following last year’s epic, and extended, ski season, many winter sport enthusiasts in northern Nevada had high hopes for the 2019-2020 season. As any experienced skier – or savvy investment broker, for that matter – knows, past performance is no guarantee of future results. So far this year has been something of a let-down, with […]
The Kansas City Chiefs are the Super Bowl Champions, reclaiming a title the team has not held in 50 years. In 1970’s Super Bowl IV, the Chiefs defeated the Minnesota Vikings. [1] The Chiefs did not return to the big game until this year, [2] when they defeated the San Francisco 49ers after scoring 21 […]
When most people hear the term post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), they think of veterans who have suffered trauma during combat. However, PTSD could happen to anyone who suffers a traumatic event, including a violent personal assault, a grisly car accident, rape, a natural disaster or a terrorist act. PTSD has been around for many […]
Each year in Nevada, thousands of people sustain injuries in car accidents. For example, the state Department of Transportation reported 22,285 injury-causing accidents in one recent year, which resulted in injuries to more than 34,000 people. If you have suffered an injury in a Nevada car accident, keep the following tips in mind to protect […]
The world is still reeling from the news that retired NBA star Kobe Bryant was killed in a helicopter crash this week. [1] Bryant spent his career as a Los Angeles Laker, and the southern California metropolis is a city in mourning. A game scheduled between the Lakers and the Los Angeles Clippers was postponed […]
Parents have always lived in fear of harm befalling their children, but it seems that modern life in America brings with it a depressingly long list of potential perils. From the toxic “brave new world” of social media to the perennial problem of schoolyard bullies, the social landscape seems fraught. Sports injuries, school shootings, and […]
To the average Nevadan, it might seem that the state is having a pretty good couple of years. Economic growth and construction are booming. The state’s economy has rebounded and housing prices have more than doubled in the last decade. We’ve seen an influx of new residents, as many Californians have come seeking new jobs […]