In recent years, distracted driving claimed the lives of more than 2,800 individuals annually and caused thousands more severe injuries, permanently altering the lives of driving victims. An estimated 16 percent of fatal crashes and 21 percent of injury-involved crashes involve some level of distraction. Unfortunately, drivers continue to drive distracted. Most drivers continue to […]
A car accident, in the best-case scenario, ruins your day. In a much worse case, it could leave impacts on the rest of your life. Different types of car accidents produce different injuries. T-bone or side-impact car accidents produce some of the worst injuries, usually because they happen at higher speeds, often at intersections. In […]
Motorcycle accidents can happen in the blink of an eye—and unfortunately, many riders can do little to guarantee the actions of the drivers around them, many of which can lead to severe injury for the rider. Since motorcycles offer no protection from the street, obstacles in the road, and the vehicle itself, even a small […]
As directed by Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak, the state’s economy entered the second phase of “reopening” this past Friday, May 26. The changes come after the governor’s office tracked a steady decline in positive tests for COVID-19 and hospitalizations caused by the illness over a month-long period. [1] This will clear the way for even […]
Historically, Uber has proclaimed that its drivers are independent contractors, not direct employees. Uber drivers can sign up and get started driving very quickly: They need not go through a complex hiring process, and they receive payment from the riders they carry, though the rideshare company takes a cut. That strategy not only changes the […]
Staying Safe at Concerts and Sporting Events Every year, millions of Americans attend concerts and sporting events at arenas across the United States, including right here in Las Vegas. There is nothing quite like joining the crowd at a large venue to hear your favorite artist or cheer on your favorite team. For the most […]
How To Travel Safely Author, playwright, and eternal free-spirit Oscar Wilde once wrote: “Live with no excuses and travel with no regrets.” We should all hope to live by such open-hearted and open-minded principles. Still, from the legal perspective at Benson & Bingham Accident Injury Lawyers, we would hasten to add a “but” at the […]
In more than 40 states across the nation, Americans are under some form or another of “stay-at-home” orders. Despite some small and media-hyped protests against these measures, Americans are largely supportive of them and have been obedient. With so many fewer people going about daily life, traffic on the nation’s roadways has fallen precipitously. And […]
If you have ever flown on an airplane, you have likely had the experience. The pilot comes on the intercom to warn of a bumpy ride. The seat belt lights come on. Next thing you know, your drink is sloshing and your stomach feels like it is in your chest as the plane seems to […]
Thousands of people sustain injuries in car accidents every day across the United States. If you were injured in a car accident because of someone else’s negligence or recklessness, an experienced car accident lawyer can help you understand the legal process of obtaining compensation for your injuries. You Might Feel Fine, But… In a car […]